Monday 10 January 2022

Movie Pub Club

 Intro: Sometimes I don't go out to the pub; sometimes Plod comes round and we watch films. Here is a list of those films watched over the past 5, or 6 or 7 plus years from what I can remember, and any pertinent details. 

The M.O. at the beginning was to mainly watch quality 70's sci-fi. Now it's just quality anything off beat but still with a Sci-Fi /horror slant. often with an attempt at a themed double bill. 

Movies seen: In rough half remembered chronology... 

Demon seed. (1978): and: Mad Max II Road Warrior. (1981):

Watched about 2011 at Plod’s House... sci-fi double bill of robot rapey house computer and post apocalyptic car chase 


Phase VI. (1974): 

Watched at my house after drinking round Hawth’s ...Ants will just win by virtue of bio-mass. 

Fahrenheit 451.(1966):and: THX 1138. (1971):

I think this was a double bill... Book burning future firemen, monorail and snow, and Tv's a bit like the present. And Julie Christie again, again: And George Lucas' best Sci-fi film. 


Classic Cronenberg... NB a lot of these films were first introduced to me through BBC2's Moviedrome, but maybe not this one actually - I seem to first remember seeing it on channel 4 as well as Naked Lunch. must of been a Cronenberg season. 

Performance. (1970):

Suburban, Pastoral, Banal Psychedelics... Plod said something about, some band, sampled some dialogue from this film.

-[ Classic example of a spoiler image on the dvd box cover.] 

Withnail and I. (1987):

All booze and no birds... "Shat on by Torries, shoveled up by Labour.)

Halloween. (1978):

It was Halloween so you gotta watch it! 

Under The Skin. (2013):

The best sci-fi film made in the past 30 years.

The Witch. (2015):

A highlight of all the films we've watched so far. 

Shut In. (2016):

Naomi Watts is shut in and... Boy in the walls! I made us watch this because the RedLetter Media review made me laugh, and I thought it may be soo bad it's good... but it was just fine. Stupid, but also Ok. The Boy (2016) is much more funny /stupid.

Straightheads. (2007):

I actually like this film, It's just a twist on Straw Dogs (1971) I guess, but suitably grim! Although it seems like it should be from 1999 rather than 2007, but you can pretty much say that about everything from 2007.

The Stepford Wives.(1975): 

"I'll just die if I don't get this recipe."

Westworld. (1973):

God I hate Black Mirror* and overly long Tv series that don't go anywhere... I do however love Billy and the Cloneasaurus 

The Keep. (1983)

Finally some Michael Mann goodness, everything about this film is great except Ian McKellen who is a bit off, which is very rare.. "Don't touch the crosses!!!"

Zodiac. (2007):

David Fincher is the master. 

Possession (1981) 

Once seen never forgotten (unless you fall asleep like Plod) good to twin with under the skin as kind of psychic body horror or Atomic Blonde as a cold war, Berlin Wall movie. 

Drive. (2011):

Nicolas Winding Refn does what he does best using his weirdness and pacing to elevate and subvert a classic pulp genre narrative.

Neon Demon. (2016):

Nicolas Winding Refn does what he does best using his weirdness and pacing to elevate and subvert a classic pulp genre narrative.

Stephen King's It Tv movie min series thing. (1990):

Hiya Georgie... Mainly awful but some good bits worth a watch. Anette O'Toole is good.


The Thing. (1982): and, Escape from New York.(1981):

John Carpenter double bill 

Halloween III Season of the Witch. (1982):

Q The Winged Serpent. (1982)

The 2nd or 3rd best film on youtube. Also some really interesting Politic stuff around what was going on in New York at the time. Plod had to go home tired before the first 20 minutes was done.


I can’t beleive I forgot that!!!- Films I missed from previous years

Quatermass and the Pit (1967) 

Excellent Hammer Horror edition of the Quatermass story. A sci-fi version of original sin, suspiciously similar to aspects of Scientology! And Prometheus. 

Life (2017) 

Meh, some good bits, Jake Gyllenhaal is always good. 

August 2022- (Adolescence and Ants)

The Outer Limits “The Zanti Misfits” (1963). Featuring the Vasquez Rocks and Bruce Dern meeting up with some hostile bug-like aliens, first aired on December 30th, 1963... in your face Trek!

Breaking Away (1979)  

An early example of the teen movie, surely an influence on classic John Hughes Brat pack movies such as The Breakfast club. It doesn’t shy away from a bit of angst, but also sweet and funny. Very far from the gross out, frat boy humour of 1978’s Animal house. Now they are not ‘Cutters’ nothing is set in stone. All the more endearing for its imperfections (4 Were Bears out of 6) 


South Park “Asspen” (2002)


"You've got crap here."

"That's my face sir."

It Follows (2014) 

Hard to make a better film for $1.3 Million. Way beyond just mere horror. The “Rules” of the monster are just slight enough to allow the ambiguity to push it beyond the genre, and leave questions unanswered.

Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)

 The film of the 1967 book. Exquisite! An unsolvable, supernatural puzzle treated with depth and detail of a true-life story. Recently made into a poor TV series. 

Some time in 2023 (around March?)
THE 1970's:

first we warmed up with an outer limits or 2.

Series 1 "The Mutant" (1964) which made no sense coz a guy evolved large eyes but could see less well in the dark than normal folks, felt like they got it all back to front. Then we watched the episode "A Feasibility Study" which was very Star Trek TOS.

Colossus The Forbin Project (1970)

It shows that the book was from the mid 60's, still quite good though. worth reading the wikipedia entries on the book sequels. Ha. 

The Conversation (1974)

In some ways a rework of Blow Up, yet the 70's paranoia makes it very different. A Masterpiece. 

The Offence (1973)

The finest film shot partly in Bracknell, Berkshire UK. "He's a very Muscular actor."

The Bomb, became paranoia, became perversion. The political became personal. 
And that's the 70's done!... 80s?


:Other stuff watched, glimpsed or seen on Tv in no particular order. 

Bits of- John Carter (2012); Die hard 2 (1990); Fatal Attraction (1987); and some 60s ghengis Khan film... and episode of the Brittas empire (1993) and Top of the pops (1991) 

CINEMA- Stuff we saw at the cinema:

Super Size Me (2004) 

Planet of the apes 2 Dawn of... (2012) 

Arrival (2016)

Blade runner 2049 (2017)

Atomic blonde (2017)

Censor (2021)

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