Monday, 3 December 2012


Chrome Book for everyone: I saw the new advert for the google chrome book lap-top thing. The advert is the same as an Adam Curtis film except exactley the opposite, it uses the same formal/ technical devices to convey the opposite idea. Below are images from curtis' films and the advert and from George A Romero's Dawn of the Dead

The images should be ambiguous while the text is bold and profound.

“You should see all the great stuff we got, Frannie. All kinds of stuff. This place is terrific…It’s perfect…We’ve really got it made here.”
- “It’s so bright and neatly wrapped you don’t see that it’s a prison too.”
Dawn of The Dead 1978
Chrome book for everyone

Saturday, 3 November 2012

The landscape of Stand-up, Narratives, Ideologies and Utopias.

The landscape of Stand-up, Narratives, Ideologies and Utopias.

Ideologies are the landmarks required to navigate the terrain of any meaningful debate.

I am a little out of the loop; I don’t gig that much anymore. But the last time I looked The Stand-up Comedy Circuit was being seen through the lens of, (and in turn morphing its response to;) the polarity’s of Sachsgate in contrast to the success of McIntyre, in the eternal feed-back loop between audience and performer that comedy seems to rely on.

The success of making a Stand-up show work on mainstream TV and how that filled the void left by a perceived offensive/ outrageous strain of comedy, press-ganged off of the BBC by the tabloids, either resulted in, or synchronised with a binary bland-ing out of stand-up:

You were either an act talking about Les Dawson-esque banalities of life- your relations, the place you came from, what happened at the bus stop, etc.

Or you were banally shocking for the sake of amusing drunk people in dark rooms, who in turn saw their point of view as more authentic, gritty, because they could listen to someone talk about fucking disabled people, or some such. The fact that they then went home had a wank, went to bed, went to work, then came home and had there tea on their lap whilst watching Hollyoaks with minimal contact from disabled people, was neither here nor there.

The result was that presentation out-weighed content. Neither of the narratives embodied by these comedic archetypes questioned or created ideologies, they failed to embody any philosophical outlook and represented nothing.

Art serves two functions:

1.       To embody with-in an artefact an authentic perception of reality.

2.       To talk about its own function.  

Within which is an honest engagement with ones own subjectivity, and an attempt to address it. If this is overlooked all efforts degenerate into entertainment; something which merely re-presents or presents the consensus of reality in order to pass the time rather than raise questions or construct ideals. This point was lost, so that if on stage you talked about race, or swore you were one of the outrageous comics no matter the context, or content of what you said. A vice was placed on creative freedom, not consciously but through perception, or lack of it.

This phase in comedy was the plateau, the flat line of a creative high which occurred in the post 9/11 era, where, during the Iraq war, even an open mic circuit comedian could talk about abstract, ethical subjects like dictatorships, wrong-full imprisonment (Guantanamo), Religion and the dubious benefits of natural selection as embodied by George W Bush.

Now, the complexity of the Arab springs up-rising resists any commentary with-in a 10 min slot in-front of 20 boozed up paying punters running through an internal debate as to whether they should have just had an early night or not. Un-like the obvious narrative of something like Iraq, the dialogue between the Arab nations involved and our own western identity seems to have a moral detachment where the relationship exists in a grey area which has transpired over a time span at odds with the rolling-news attention span of Dave the I.T worker on the front row and his 3rd pint of fosters, on a Tuesday night in Reigate. Or indeed the opening 20 minute act; Danny McMack “enthusiastic lines” (

So, stand-up by fault or design seems to have no ideological agenda, and by result no meaningful dialogue, merely a set of symbols to play with. But wait I hear you say, "the bankers, the bankers..."

Yes, the bankers and MP expenses has been where the topical comedy mine has been digging for the past couple of years. In some ways one of the best routines I saw about it all was on BBC1 when Jasper Carrott did some come-back show (which also had episodes done by Lenny Henry and some-one else??) and with-out any really well constructed jokes –he spent 10/15 minutes saying how stupid and confusing the whole thing was. Which was just nice to hear an actual opinion on the TV again, and Carrotts' natural style and delight at the freedom of being on TV without having the constraints of hosting some hideously contrived ITV, tea-time, game-show, was what made it work. Perhaps his performance was a successful combination of the kind of affable-ness of McIntyre with the light weight polemic that some-one like Russell Kane might perform about the daily mail.

There are problems with talking about the actual facts of the banking crisis, it is some-what complicated and stand-up normally resorts to knee jerk associations/ generalisations and tends to slot buzzwords like bankers, tax, Gordon Brown, Fat cats into the pre-formed comedy templates that would otherwise be about Traffic Wardens, Cab Drivers, Clarkson, Darth Vader or the BNP.

The ideological truth is that we are all complicit in the consumerist utopia and anyone who has a credit card/ mortgage and who complains about the bankers is a bit like a Nazi complaining about “everyone having a go at the Jews”. The fundamental ideology at the heart of the crisis is never even acknowledged.

The real effect of the bankers is not to affect the form/substance/the creation of stand-up material itself, but rather is to affect the function, how it operates in the world, the market place. Comedy is cheap to set-up, a cash cow, a get rich quick, markets in a state of flux, start-up business ,thing. It’s something like Karaoke, happy hour, speed-dating, new gastro-pub menu thing, it’s a novelty to draw punters in. A distraction. Entertainment.

If you think, well good, comedy is working as an entertainment industry and it’s not its job to question things and it should just continue in the same vain and will continue for ever as long as it responds to market forces, like any other form of consumerism. We’ve found the answer, we don’t require new ideologies, and in that respect it is the end of history- the history of ideologies. The current system functions so well that 99% of people never see it as an ideology, it’s just shopping it’s just jokes, it’s just acquiring what I need and desire.

 If you think that, then well done you agree with 99% of economists, but then why would they think otherwise, their jobs are kinda ridding on it. It’s like the head of the sea-life centre saying 'the only way to protect endangered species is to have a captive breeding program in the sea life centre and then re-release them into the wild,'- he would say that, he sees the world from an aquarium perspective. Which is the best metaphor anyone ever did.  

Everything and everyone exists with-in context.

So what I’m saying is that my context supersedes yours and I am the best. 


Monday, 23 July 2012

London 2012

Oh... I can't believe it's the Olympics in my capital city! In my life time! It is well great, but all these grumpy Londoners, being not excited about it, they are so ungrateful; it is really swell, the Olympics. Come on y'all, back the bid, get behind it. etc.

I saw a man the other day, in... er... London (in 2012) being all grumpy about the Olympics; he was.

“COMO’N” I said he wasn’t havin' any off it. “Com’on, the Olympics. Yay! All the sport and that, running, jumping, horse bothering… I expect init, the Olympics. Yeah!”

But; Nah he weren’t bovverd he was all just slumped he looked like half asleep, or pissed, slumped in a doorway being all unkempt and not bothered despite the presence of Seb Coe in the same city as him.

Makes yur sick. He couldn’t even be botherd to work, or eat, or wash, just because he was grumpy about the Olympics.

So I gave him a little nudge with me foot- nudge- like that.

“Oi the Olympics.”- Just trying to get his attention.

“Be Fucking delighted about the Olympics, mate.”

I nudged him again a bit harder “… Will you!”

Finally he piped up “Nah- I won’t be happy about the sodding Olympics, it stinks.”


“Coz it’s a stinking money pit with stinking people like you exploiting underfunded athletes and sports in general in order to sell fast food and cheap credit.

 It's a stinking world, there's no law and order anymore! It's a stinking world because it lets the young get on to the old, like you done. Oh, it's no world for an old man any longer. What sort of a world is it at all? Men on the moon, and men spinning around the earth, and there's not no attention paid to earthly law and order no more.”

So I nudged him again with my foot, and I nudged him and nudged him, and some of the London passers-by started helping, and we nudged him in the ribs and we nudged him in the head, repeatedly, Y’know to celebrate the Olympics, and in the end about 10 or 12 of us managed to nudge that grumpy Londoner to death.

And then we did an advert for Subway I expect.


Seriously I admire (some) athletes it’s about the synthesis of the mind and body. It’s the spectacle I abhor.

If they had a truly representative opening ceremony I’d watch it, it’d be good.

What they should have is just a big neon sign sponsored by McDonalds, saying "I'm Luvin it" and under that- a tramp asleep.

Then next to that a mound of shit with a pig on it in a top hat and a monocle. And sort of above that a pinstripe suited man at a desk just repeatedly writing cheques to him-self of increasing amounts. Co-signed by the tramp and the pig, which- he just forges there signatures.

Then in the middle; two hundred huge flashing signs saying Olympics 2012, bedazzling everyone, whilst the suited man quietly kicks the tramp to death and feeds it to the pig.

With the added twist of no one being let in to watch it, and instead, with everyone all being sat outside in a traffic jam.

  Still Bradley Wiggins is wonderful, shame he’s sponsored by sky.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Death and Sex

Everybody dies alone.
Everybody is born alone.
Everybody dreams alone.
Everybody lets there dinner get down a bit alone.
Everybody gets there haircut alone.
Everybody does a toilet alone.
Everybody does sudukos alone.

So that's death.

Now extracts from my new book 51 shades of grey (a shade greyer)

"...Paul walked in the room, he saw Karen, and then he did her up the wrongen.
In a sensative, understanding, romantic way, like women like.
Later Daren arrived at Sandras, and then, he smashed her back doors in. In a feeling, responsive, heartfelt way obviously. Then a bit later still, Karen, again went to Steves office, Then he did her right up the shitter, pulled out tugged him self off into his hand spat in it and rubbed it in her face, In an erotic, meaningfull poised, elegant way like what birds like. ..."

Good isn't it!

Monday, 2 July 2012

DSM Criteria for Depression

-Usefull info on defining depression from

There is a lot of nonsense talked about depression and mental ill-health, mainly by Stephen Fry. “22% of women will have an episode of serious depression and 13% of men,” things like that, which I don’t know what we’re supposed to take away from that? No matter how true it may be I don’t necessarily find it a use-full statistic, other than to perhaps say you may be more likely to suffer from depression than you expected.

Regardless of the statistics there are two potential issues, do you have/ are you in a phase of depression, and what is the best way to move through it, and out the other side.

Below is some info from the Yale introduction to psychology lectures, which are available on Youtube or there website


There needs to be a definition of abnormality for all mental illness to be defined, and it is not clear cut there is no blood test etc.

What is Abnormality?

We have an intuitive sense
  • Would be nice if there was some objective criteria
  • Is a subjective judgment call
  • Heavily influenced by
  • Social norms (woman wearing a veil in Muslim vs. non-Muslim culture)
  • Characteristics of target (a man crying vs. a woman beating up on someone)
  • Context (paranoia in Baghdad vs. a quiet little farm town)
Current Consensus
An Abnormality is characterized by 3 factors:
Distress: causes person or others significant distress
Dysfunction: prevents person from functioning in daily life
Deviance: behaviours or feelings highly unusual

-Specifically relating to depression-

DSM Criteria for Major Depression
A. Sadness or diminished interest or pleasure in usual activities (anhedonia)
B. At least four of the following symptoms:

1. Significant weight or appetite change (eating a lot more or a lot less)
2. Insomnia or hypersomnia (sleeping all the time or not at all)
3. Psychomotor retardation or agitation (extremely slow reaction response/ hyper active/fast)
4. Fatigue or loss of energy
5. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
6. Diminished ability to concentrate, indecisiveness
7. Suicidal ideation or behaviour

C. Duration of at least 2 weeks
So if you are undergoing 4 or more of the above for more than 2 weeks it may be worth seeking help.
Beck’s Negative Cognitive Triad

“Cure” breaking the cycle

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
1. Identify themes in negative thoughts and triggers for them.
2. Challenge negative thoughts.
1. What is the evidence for your interpretation? 2. Are there other ways of looking at the situation? 3. How could you cope if the worst did happen?
3. Help clients recognize negative beliefs or assumptions.
4. Change aspects of environment related to depressive symptoms.
5. Teach person mood-management skills that can be used in unpleasant situations.

Interpersonal Therapy
Less structured form of therapy than CBT.
Explore patterns of relationships and roots in childhood.

Look for four types of interpersonal problems: Grief or loss, Interpersonal role disputes, Role transitions, Interpersonal skills deficits

Help clients understand connections between interpersonal problems and upbringing, and make choices for changing relationships.

A few studies suggest it is as effective as CBT, but much less research has been done on IPT than on CBT.

General conclusions about therapy effectiveness
  • People in treatment do better than those not
  • Some types of therapy work better for specific problems – cognitive-behavioural for major depression – Medication for bipolar disorder • some therapists are better than others

Nonspecific factors in therapy effectiveness
  • Nonspecific = unrelated to specific principles but critical to outcome
  • Support – acceptance, empathy, encouragement, guidance
  • Hope – sense of faith in therapy process – placebo effect = improvement from belief, rather than actual effect

A word on Medication, anti-depresents, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are usefull but typically once they stop taking the drug, the client will return to there original state of depression. So medication is most effective in conjunction with therapy, creating a kind of stop gap so the client can begin to move out of the depression.   

So that’s the notes, below is a thing I wrote on the train whilst drunk a while back, which I guess is some of my personal interpretation. Bit weird!

Your differences, your preference, your unique-ness is your strength, not your weakness. It’s what makes you, you. It is everyone else who is wrong, who is inferior. How wrong you are to see yourself through them. Be arrogant, be proud, and be free. Define yourself happily; don’t let me tell you to do this. DIY

P.S. It is likely that had say, Freud said this to Hitler in 1927 then things may not have improved or may have got worse. This is not a damnation of the intention above. Rather a flaw in the certainty and lack of empathy in the written word and non-personal interaction in general.
And then I believe i punched this tramp that was looking at me askance, not really.

Martin E.P. Seligman is mentioned in the lectures, the tip of the ice-burg of his research is into the psychology of happiness and wellbeing what it means and attaining it...

Implications of the hedonic treadmill:

• Possessions are not the key to happiness

ALTERNATIVE 1: Endless novelty (fun)

ALTERNATIVE 2: Step off the treadmill Seek out more substantial goods Friends and family; long-term projects (wellbeing)

Also, useful books might be
by Hermann Hesse

Self- esteem: proven Cognitive Techniques for assessing and Maintaining Your self-esteem
By Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning

Your Erroneous Zones, by Wayne W. Dyer

The death of Ivan Ilyich, by L.N. Tolstoy

What We May Be  :Techniques for Psychological and spiritual growth Through Psychosynthesis.
by Piero Ferrucci

 Or maybe not they all say the same core thing.

Be well

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Is this Material ??????

Is this material?

Hi, cheers for reading this if you are.
I have written this thing, and I have no idea what it is, too long and not funny enough to be a joke too short to be a scene from a play.

 So is it worth performing in any capacity, and where/how?

“At the bus stop, in town, in the drizzle, and
I was watching this window cleaner, whistling away, cleaning shop windows, in the rain.

His actions seemed to sum something up-
I felt I had to reach out and engage with something, someone, and there he was – He noticed me, noticing him, and I spoke…

‘It’s a bit like life,’ I blurted out.

He paused in his work,

‘You know, the futile pursuit of an unachievable goal,

One that you don’t even know why you’re even doing it, and don’t even want to know.-

You’re just pointlessly pushing things around, but there’s no apparent alternative and the difference between all your exertions and nothing, seem unnoticeable.
It’s all just graftin’ for grafts sake.

And you end up doing it for so long that futility is the only thing that keeps you sane, because it prevents you questioning it all, because if you question it then you are forced to find a reason, but there is no reason.
There’s only repetition which simultaneously cages you in, and robs you of identity.

You are what you do, what you do is meaningless, you are meaningless. And nothing and no one you touch can have any meaning.’

(I would act out his whistling and other facial bits)

-His whistling abruptly faded out, his jaw slackened, and his mouth opened to speak…
“That’s right mate the old window cleaning A? It’s a mugs game, still mustn’t grumble!”

(Whistle, whistle.)

So, I don’t know’


Also I’ve written this bit which is a list of analogies for nothing.  (Although originally written for my award* winning apprentice bit.)

It’s a bit like…
Asking for a refund at the photo developer/printers because you don’t like your photos because you are in them and you have a bit of an ugly face, which they’ve all too accurately recorded.

 It’s a bit like … Inviting all your friends round for a meal and making them buy and cook all the food themselves, which you then say is crap.
Like… Buying jeans with the pre-ripped hole in them, then taking them back for a refund.

…Going to the clinic for an abortion, when your child is in there mid 30’s
…Going on the TV show “who do you think you are” (about family trees) and instead of doing you family tree you just talk about yourself then try and impregnate as many people as possible in order to produce new heirs.

…Going to a petting zoo whilst eating kebabs and wool then poring barbeque sauce over the animals and kids, rubbing your tummy, and looking around at the shocked faces going, What! What?

It’s like crucifying the pope with a nail gun, and stale baguettes and the banisters of the Vatican and Jimmy Nail from TV’s spender.  

*The Award of um… runner up in best reality TV show based joke as told by me awarded by me.